On March 29, Pogue blogged about The Future of Hydrogen Cars. His blog only once before (in my quick search) discussed alternative fuels for cars. Automotive technology is clearly not his balliwick. But like most of us, he drives a car, knows petroleum isn't forever, and receives periodic wake-up calls. One altfuel epiphany Pogue blogged in May, 2006 came watching The Amazing Race 9 (CBS) in Brazil, where sugar cane-based ethanol has eliminated petroleum imports and reduced pollution. Why can't we do something like that, he wondered. We're richer and more technologically advanced than Brazil, aren't we? He concludes his blogpost:
Dudes–no matter what color your political flag, doesn’t everyone agree that pollution is bad, high fuel prices are bad, and that the oil reserves are going to run out eventually? In his State of the Union address in January, President Bush said that “Our goal is to make this new kind of ethanol practical and competitive within six years.”Now in his recent blog entry he all but swallows whole BMW's solo voyage down the liquid hydrogen hypeway. BMW used the TED Conference, an annual convening of the technological glitterati, to make an "off-campus" presentation to these opinion makers.
Man, I sure hope so.
On the second day of the show, attendees were invited to attend a lunch-hour presentation by Dr. Frank Ochmann, the head of BMW’s clean-energy development project, who had flown in from Munich for the event.The investment paid off. A high brow plug for a corporate fantasy. The bamboozlement surrounding alternative fuels continues apace. The one energy infrastructure that rivals petroleum in its reach, the electric grid, is seemingly invisible for its ubiquitousness. Mr. Pogue, and the public at large, ought to be better informed.
As Pogue accurately concludes his post,
Meanwhile, the biggest obstacles are presented by people’s attitudes, not technology: “Oh, that’ll never work.”That "something like it" is electricity. I invite Mr. Pogue to take a ride "back to the future" in my 2002 Toyota RAV4 EV.
Guess what? It’s going to have to work. Sooner or later, hydrogen, or something like it, is all we’ll have to work with.
The column continues to generate interesting comments, many from electric car advocates, and I hope he returns to the subject. All he needs to know about the difficulties and expense of creating a hydrogen infrastructure and the viability and desirability of plug-in cars is in the many astute comments of his readers.
Not to worry--my followup column this week is about the Tesla! :)
ReplyDeleteesy to blog marc geller
ReplyDeleteThe Tesla is not the issue; why can't GM and Ford make a reasonable plug-in car.
ReplyDeleteWhy should ailing GM buy up and hide, then sell to Chevron, the Nickel Metal Hydride battery needed for production EVs?
Only thing in it for GM is continued decline. GM still doesn't get it, they think EVs are just a PR ploy and the real money is in building gas-guzzlers.
So far, I have no complaints. It’s running very well. The parts are tough. I make it a point to check every single part so as to avoid any problem in the road. Hopefully, I haven’t had any trouble with it during rush. I got to replace its BMW Fan Clutch last week and I’m fortunately enough that it’s only the part that I needed to purchase for it this month.