Monday, November 25, 2013

Why One LEAF-Driving Cop Can't Drive Straight Home After Work Anymore

Friday November 22, 2013

Today I met a San Francisco cop. He wasn’t in uniform, so I figured he was another of those early adopter techie types buying EVs. We chatted while he finished charging his LEAF at the recently installed Quick Charger at the new Market Street Whole Foods in San Francisco.  I'll call him Officer Bill.

Officer Bill has had his LEAF since February 2013, about 9 months.  His infectious smile alone communicates how much he likes his car. It saved him a lot of money for six months. That’s why he leased it originally. He has come to like the car so much that the fact that now it is costing him closer to his gasoline past doesn’t seem to get him down. He’s accepted the changed situation at the station house that has increased his cost in dollars and commuting time. After a while driving electric became it’s own reward. That’s really too bad.

Officer Bill's story is important because it points to the steps that can be taken now to create millions of EV drivers like him.  Think of all the people around Bill, starting with his fellow officers. Many became very interested after Bill showed up in his LEAF and told them the hundreds he had been spending on gas paid the lease on his cool new ride -- and then some.  But now they are back on the fence, holding off on getting a plug-in car. 

Bill lives a good 60 miles from San Francisco, so he needs to get some juice to make his trip home after work.  For six months Bill was allowed to plug in at the station house, and his LEAF became very “cash positive.”  Bill had spotted an unused outlet in the employee only parking lot. A standard 120-volt outlet - Level 1 in EVspeak. He asked permission and the one in charge said okay --as have many employers around the country.  

Perhaps he’d heard that the President and the Governor and the Mayor want to see more people drive EVs and figured why not let Bill plug in? Perhaps he’d done the math and figured less than a buck a day wasn’t even worth pondering. Chances are he hadn’t read the Plug In Electric Vehicle Collaborative report which documents workplaces where Level 1 meets employees’ needs reliably and cheaply. Perhaps he figured electric cars are such duds it wouldn’t be long before Bill got a regular car. 

Then one day a few months ago Officer Bill's boss changed and the replacement said Bill could no longer plug in.   

Bill likes his car and is resourceful, so he got a Blink card and ChargePoint card and an EVGO card and he makes do. That’s why I ran into him at the Whole Food DC charger.  He had stopped to charge up for his commute home after work. 

He told me about city programs to install EV infrastructure and said the Police Department is competing to get an allocation of 240-volt charging stations (EVspeak: Level 2 EVSE). But Bill says the program requires the EVSE be public. He’s hopeful one day politics will land “one of those at the station house” he said to me as he pointed to a ChargePoint Level 2 across the parking lot. 

Of course, as he proved for six months, he doesn’t need a Level 2 EVSE at work. With his Level 2 charge at home, the 120V outlet at work made his daily 120 miles a piece of cake.  And I bet some of his fellow officers would be driving an EV today if Bill had been allowed to continue using the convenient outlet. Bill's fellow officers could be using existing “EV infrastructure” as well. Maybe they would need to add a few more outlets if the cars prove that popular. Perhaps the officers who plug in could create a kitty, throw in a buck a day, to create a fund to pay for the expansion of their Level 1 employee parking to induce even more cops to go electric. But I dream. The station chief said no. The City seems committed to Level 2 EVSE whenever the discussion turns to plug-in cars -- even when it would be simpler, cheaper and more convenient for both employees and managers.

Let’s be clear on the benefits. Access to a 120V outlet at work is the simple, reliable, low -cost solution for most commuters to get home. And then some. (If it’s truly not enough of a charge for someone, in a sea of L1, a little L2 can go a long way.) It’s also the simplest, least expensive and least disruptive way for employers who provide parking to answer growing requests for charging from their employees.  The employer has no “system” to manage, and employees don’t have the distraction of having to move their fully-charged cars to open up the spot for someone else.  Officer Bill would get home to his family sooner on Level 1. And with Level 2 EVSE, he might not be around to move his car for the new guy's EV while he’s out battling bad guys. 

Simple Level 1 access to electricity: that’s exactly what the state and city should be funding to drive the market. As a starting point for some workplaces, or as part of a well-considered mix of charging options at others.   

Unfortunately the opposite is the case.  That very morning I was in Sacramento for the “Pre-Application Workshop for PON-13-606 - Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure” workshop. A million dollars is allocated to “Category II - Workplace Charging without Public Access.” This of course is Officer Bill's situation. His car sits all day in the employee lot while he drives a squad car. 

It’s hard to believe, but one of the category II requirements is “Charging must be provided at Level 2 or direct current Fast Charging.”  In other words the one workplace charging solution that is cheap and easy and proven to work is disallowed in a solicitation intended to encourage more people to switch to plug-in cars. 

Some argue it’s so easy and so cheap employers should just do it.  What do they need funding for, unlike the prestigious, higher voltage Level 2 contestant? After all, Level 1 can cost hundreds instead of thousands per charge spot.  Excuse me, but that’s the point: a little money can create dozens of 120-volt outlets. Charging for lots more people driving still more people to get EVs. Instead, with workplace infrastructure pushed toward the expensive, grant-driven Level 2, to the extent we succeed in inducing higher EV ownership we create new problems to solve at the workplace.

To add insult to injury, in cases where the “infrastructure” already exists in the form of a serendipitous 120V outlet, many including government employees like the San Francisco police officer I met at the Quick Charger, are forbidden from using them.  While other government employees and contractors - mostly not EV drivers - are spending millions of dollars to assess strategies and develop programs to stimulate plug-in car sales, government is at the same time standing in the way of actual employee EV drivers. 

The Governor of California and the Mayor of San Francisco are committed to the proliferation of plug-in cars. Could they not issue executive orders to permit government employees to use existing Level 1 infrastructure (120V outlets) in government owned employee parking lots? Maybe they tout it as smart and cheap. Maybe they whisper it to Officer Bill's station chief. It’s no silver bullet, but none of the “solutions for EV charging” are. The bankruptcies of Ecotality and Better Place, both recipients of government grants in the millions, have proven that. Is simple, cheap and proven anathema in this age of the high tech solution?


  1. Officer Bill should offer to pay the $1.60 per day for the 16 kWh he uses every day. Perhaps he should also present city and state documents such as Mission Statement, Green Energy Objectives, etc. Better yet would be something from the Mayor's office... Good luck, Paul

  2. This is crazy, Officer Bill likely plugs in his laptop, or cell phone at work and drinks coffee from the staff coffee maker. It would be interesting how the department handles billing parking space now to employees driving vs. taking the bus. Why the need for approval Level2, or Level1 stations when a standard 120v outlet will satisfy his needs to charge at work.

    A simple solution is to let Officer Bill pay the $1-$2 in electricity he uses each day rounded up to nearest $ (at standard business electric rate). This would be small percentage addition to monthly parking fee, or noise if parking already offered for free. If he needs proof of electric usage for accounting, he should be able to send (print) a report of charge sessions for (office) location from CarWings that should keep accountents happy.

  3. Nice to see such a well exampled dialog of why plentiful level 1 chargers, that are not costly proprietary designs, simply makes the whole electric ecosystem work.

    Practical and actionable, it ought to be getting a lot more play. Thanks for the article

  4. I am joining the chorus here to say Officer Bill should be allowed to charge at work.

    But, as EV owners, we have an obligation to educate others. Most commuters, who burn $10 or more of gas a day, think it is unfair to let others plug in at work.

    Once it is commonly understood that L1 charging costs as much as coffee, then attitudes will start to change.

    Thanks for the blog. I think it helps with education process

  5. Yes, Level 1 has met 99 percent of my EV charging needs for the past year.
    110VAC outlets are provided in many public parking lots in cold climates, to power engine block heaters. Used while parked, these prevent gasoline and diesel engines from freezing up with cold. They're almost always free.
    These outlets are currently finding an alternative use by EV owners as a fuel replacement.
    Note that battery EVs do not freeze up in the cold like gasmobiles.

  6. The reason that gasmobiles freeze up is - copious lubricating oil is required to seal the piston rings around the firing chambers.
    In contrast, the electric motors in EVs operate in free air with no contact point except a bearing. So there's nothing to "freeze up".

    No oil. No problem.

  7. I have "Level 1" charging at work.

    But the installation costs for Level 2 are not significantly higher.

    My employer happened to get a Level 1 pedestal for free, which provides four circuits (and them reserved two spots for EVs.

    But the cost of running the wires, drilling the concrete for the bollards, etc. is far more than the cost of an EVSE.

    We have people who commute 80 miles each way who would need level 2 if they were to buy an EV. The four EV owners at the moment are all within a 40 mile round trip.

    Of course being engineers, we will modify the pedestal to provide a 208 volt outlet one of these days, and our employer won't notice or care.

  8. Jim McL, one of the problems of Level 1 charging is avoiding cables on the floor and tripping over them.
    And my fear is that someone might take my EVSE.

    At your work, how do you deal with those issues?

  9. Unfortunately I have heard of this happening more frequently. What should be simple and cost-effective is over-thought and made complex. A friend recently took a job in Salem, OR, creating a 40 mile one way commute and his employer refuses to allow him to pay for installation of a 120V dedicated outlet and the resulting daily electricity charge. He is leasing a LEAF and this would be the perfect solution. Did I say that he works for the OR Dept of Energy? Shame.

  10. @Unknown:

    Those block heaters don't draw 13 amps like our cars do, so you can have 5 of them on a 15 amp circuit without any problem. It's when you want to charge more than one car - or really, do anything else when that one car is charging - on that strip of 5 outlets that it becomes a real problem that requires new wiring and a new breaker.


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  12. Electric will take over, if we just end the gov't subsidies of the oil industry. Electric makes much more sense.

  13. Sounds like more people will choose an EV if their employers let them recharge at work. If the government wants to encourage citizens to drive greener cars it would make sense for federal employees to be able to plug in at work. As for private companies it would depend on the management and it would be a personal decision.

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  17. Good information! Sounds like more people will choose an EV if their employers let them recharge at work.

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  30. Had this exact same problem at my government workplace and despite making the exact same argument you made, EV owners are still not allowed to charge at work. To add insult to injury, we now have a L2 charger in the garage but only GSA owned cars are allowed to use it. So long story short, after depleting my range a few times a couple miles from my house I had to sell my EV (Focus Electric).

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