Friday, July 13, 2007

Strange Plug-in Bedfellows Rile Detroit

Big time neo-Con Frank Gaffney and Arnold supporter actor Rob Lowe took their advocacy for plug-in hybrids to Massachusetts liberal Democrat Ed Markey's House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming yesterday. Detroit and it's Congressional defenders are again suggesting that what's good for America will kill Big Auto. It is idiotic if conventional wisdom to suggest anti-corporate crusader Ralph Nader has it in for the automakers, but quite another to label Reaganaut and hardline conservative Gaffney anti-business. The Detroit Free Press story headline tells the tale:
House talk on plug-in cars erupts
Mich. lawmaker warns of demise of U.S. auto industry


  1. I don't know what free hydrogen you've got, or what car you're putting it in, but I make electricity on my roof now and I put it in my RAV4 EV and have driven it and my previous electric car over 50,000 miles.

    Good luck with your free hydrogen and I hope you've got a spare million bucks to get an H2 car to put it in. I'll stick with today's technologies - solar PV and a battery electric car.

  2. Righto Mark.

    I am constantly amazed at how folks say H2 will be the energy carrier of choice when it is so darned inefficient to make. Sure I can make it in my kitchen.. but I lose 70% of that energy!

    I'm with you. PV/Wind etc and Electric cars. End Game. Set. Match.

  3. Thanks timothyb. what's your private blog about? how does one get invited in?

  4. I don't actually have one setup here :) I haven't done a blog, although I realize it's all the rage.. and I probably should! I've been tooting around with electrons since I was a wee lad and TRS-80s were state of the art, so I'm a bit slow to adopt new time sinks ;-)

    If you are on Facebook though, I'll probably be using that for blogging. Let me know if you'd like to commisserate there.

    saltwind at gmail dot com


  5. Oh.. sorry.. Dystopia is a research tool I am using to look at Neural Nets! I don't have a -regular- blog ;)
